Today is one of those odd feast days no one remembers. I do tend to think of it because a) I have a godson named Michael and b) when our office manager Michael retired last year, we re-named the work room in his honor, complete with an icon. Lord knows we need a few angels around the copier.
My interest in this day is more about why it falls now. The other quarter days -- and even cross-quarter days -- have some connection to the Christian calendar, but fall equinox doesn't get a lot of attention. I haven't found any details on why this feast falls when it does, but I do wonder whether the failing light makes us more mindful of the need of more protection. I've noticed how heavy the shadows are lately -- in some ways longer now than they will be in November, when the leaves will be down.
We've been more aware of the darkness at our house this week because a neighbor two houses down had a break-in this week. At 4 a.m. someone entered the house, took computers and cameras, all the time seeming to know where to look and how not to wake anyone. Creepy. I can rationalize that their house is newer and bigger and a more obvious "target" than ours, but that's just defenses at work.
I love the Book of Days comment that in many cities this was the day for electing magistrates. .. if what you need is a local protector, a good mayor is angelic indeed.