I'm so proud of my spouse, even if I can't really explain what he does for a living in 20 words or less.
But now you can read some of what he works on, in a real-time policy debate, at "Reality Based Community: You're entitled to your own opinion, just not your own facts."
Will's lengthy response to the first article is at the bottom of this post. One of the fascinating things about his job is that he now gets to argue against recycling an idea that he helped promote some ten years ago.
While his argument is nuanced, here's my two-bit summary of a complex issue: we can't consume our way out of the environmental crisis we face. Producing new stuff -- even "green" stuff like hybrid cars -- takes an environmental toll, so think twice -- and do your research -- before you replace something that still works with the latest shiny new thing, even if it's "green."